I will post pictures in this section that may be of interest to my colleagues and friends.
 A sketch by Ann Stinner of a scene in the performance of the Galileo play at the Deutsches Museum, December 17, 2009. |

 A sketch by Ann Stinner of a scene in the performance of the Galileo play at the ICHTS (International Conference of the History and Technology of Science) in Budapest, August, 2009. |
 In a restaurant-boat on the Danube in Budapest. In the foreground we sees Fabio Bevilacqua, his friend, a physicist from Australia and his wife. From left to right: Leisa Bevilacqua, Ann Stinner, Art Stinner, Beate Teichmann, the daughter of the Bevilacquas, and Jǘrgen Teichmann. The picture was taken by Gudrun Wolfschmidt. |

 A scene from the performance of the play in Budapest. From left to right: Peter Heering (Kepler), Jǘrgen Teichmann (Galileo) and Gabor Zemplėn (Cardinal Bellarmine). |
 The applause in Munich: Arthur Stinner (Author), Jǘrgen Teichmann (Kepler), Wilhelm Vossenkuhl (Cardinal Bellarmine), and Harald Lesch (Galileo). |

 The Asklepeion of Kos. An ancient "wellness center" from the 3rd century B.C. |
 19th century windmill in Antimahia., Kos. |

 Hyppocrates' Plane Tree in Kos City, supposedly planted by the father of medicine himself. |
 View from a restaurant in a mountain village (Zia) on Kos, looking toward the Turkish coast. |

 Remains of an ancient hillside theater near Kefalos, Kos. I am in discussion with Peter Roemisch of Munich, who is a medical doctor and admirer of ancient Greek theater. |
 Dr. Gerhard Pohl and I in Vienna. |

 View from the museum on top of the hill above Vienna to the sight where the Turkish army was settled in to attack Vienna in the late 17th century. |
 Inside the tunnel (to carry water) of Eupalinos on Samos. It was built in the 6th century BC and is 1030 feet long. |

 Enjoying a coffee in a Vienna Coffee house, reading about "my friend" Roger Federer winning Wimbledon in 2007. |
 Dr. Peter Roemisch and his wife and myself enjoying a joke in a beautiful spot on Samos. |

 Michael Eckert and friend in a restaurant in Samos City. |
 Two good looking ladies and me (Hera) on Samos. |

 View from our room toward the Turkish coast. |
 View from Samos toward the Turkish coast and Ephesus. |

 Statute of Aristarchus of Samos. |
 Shadow cast by the sun, just moments before total eclipse. |

 Arthur Stinner and the bust of Count Rumford at the entrance of the Englische Garten. This famous park was designed by Rumford in about 1791. |
 We tested Torricelli's "Weight of the atmosphere", descending from the observatory. |

 Ann Stinner captures the solar eclipse in a drawing. |
 Walking up to the Bakirliteppe observatory, elevation 2500m. |

 Arthur Stinner and Michael Eckert of the Deutsches Museum, Munich. Braving cold winds when climbing to the Bakirliteppe observatory. |
 Celebrating the solar eclipse event in Antalya, Southern Turkey, March 26, 2006. From left to right: Beate and Jǘrgen Teichmann, Arthur Stinner, and our Turkish group leader Herr Gueney. |

 Harald Lesch, an astrophysicist from Munich, looks at the image of the sun just prior to total solar eclipse. |
 Ann and Arthur at the summer palace grounds. |

 "The three amigos" in Tiananmen square. |
 Ann Stinner drawing of summer palace. |

 Science museum in Beijing. |
 Ann Stinner drawing of symposium members. |

 Ann Stinner drawing in the summer palace. See drawing below. |
 Arthur and Einstein poster at the entrance of the Deutches Museum. |

 Science education group in Beijing after a three hour symposium. Peter Heering, Barbara McMillan, Michael Eckert, Brigitte van Tiggelin, Doglas Alchin, Arthur Stinner and Jurgen Teichmann. See sketch made by Ann. |
 Most of the conference participants (Balaton July, 2004). |

 Michael Eckert of the Deutsches Museum is presenting a dynamic lecture. |
 Barbara McMillan and Weseley Stevens in conversation at the ruins of a medieval castle on the North shore of Lake Balaton. |

 The palace at Keszthely where our conference was held. |
 Performing an experiment (Galileo) at breakfast at the palace. |

 Ann and I at Lake Balaton |
 Beautiful Lake Balaton (North shore). |

 Mondsee on the highway near Salzburg. |
 A tranquil swan on Lake Balaton (temperature 37 degrees!) |

 Jurgen Teichmann and Laci Kovacs are calling each other "Du" for the first time. |
 Ann and and I on Lake Winnipeg in the "spring" of 2003. |

 Playing the mandolin on an excursion with my group, south of Munich in 1998. |
 A view of Lake Como. |

 Jǘrgen Teichmann explaining the physics of shadows, Lake Como. |
 Content in a Munich cafeteria. |

 My friends from the Deutsches Museum, Stefan Wolf and Michael Eckert, on a hiking trip, south of Munich. |
 The "laboratory" of Volta at the University in Pavia. |

 Jǘrgen Teichmann lectures Pavia on Galileo's discovery of projectile motion, on the occasion of his receiving the "Volta medal". |
 The "Temple of Volta", Como, Italy. |

 A beer festival at Pognana, Lake Como. |
 My wife Ann viewing the solar eclipse in Munich, August 1999. |

 Viewing the solar eclipse in Munich, August 1999. |
 Picture in the Winnipeg Free Press, (1994). I gave a talk to the world-conference of Star Trek fans in 1994: "The Physics of Star Trek". |

 On U of M website on the occasion of the 7th IHPST conference held in Winnipeg, July, 2003. |