Arthur Stinner

Course Outlines

"The power of instruction is seldom of much efficacy except in those happy dispositions where it is almost superfluous". (Richard Feynman in the introduction to his celebrated "The Feynman's Lectures on Physics".) Note: Feynman here quotes Gibbons and I am sure that his cynical remark is belied by the fantastic success of these lectures. Most physicists I know have a copy of this work. Even though the lectures were published in 1963 (when I started teaching physics) they are as fresh today as they were when I first read them 40 years ago.

Here are the detailed outlines for my two history of science courses and the physics course I have developed for our future physics teachers.

EDUB 1270 A19 (C&I) Physics
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EDUB 2500 A44 (Education)
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EDUB 1770 and 16.271 History of Science II
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